Important Articles

The Culture of Selfishness

Standing on tiptoe, one cannot remain upright. Taking strides which are too large, one cannot walk.

He who wishes to radiate light is not enlightened. He who wishes to be the true human being will not surpass others. Boasting, he gains no merit. Reaching for the top, he is not superior.

Compared to Tao, this behaviour is like left-over food or other decaying remnants, which are always abhorred.

That is why those who live in Tao do not concern themselves with it.
                                                      Tao Te Ching, chapter 24

THE MEANING OF CHAPTER 24 OF THE TAO TE CHING is very clear. In a few simple lines, Lao Tzu sketches the habits of the ordinary, dualistic human being. He does it in a way that is so striking, so relevant to us now, today, that we are left wondering what should astonish us the most: the fact that Lao Tzu was able, thousands of years ago, to depict so accurately the 21st-century human being, or the fact that throughout all those thousands of years nothing about the psychology of the fallen human being seems to have changed!

But our astonishment will rapidly fade if we are willing to realise that, in fact, the psychological disposition of fallen mankind is not susceptible to fundamental change. External conditions may alter, but undivine human beings remain inescapably true to their nature, which is essentially selfish. Selfishness, in its various gradations, is the primal urge of all fallen nature. It is not possible for human beings to free themselves from it unless they give up the self completely.

The deepest and most crystallised form of selfishness is that of the rock-hard, I-central human being who, from the cradle to the grave, is totally absorbed in his own personal interests. Such an individual does not maintain a single emotional tie; no family ties - such as a bond with his mother, marriage partner or child - affect him. This form of selfishness, which shuts out everyone and everything, is below even the animal level, for even in the animal kingdom ties of instinctual love are formed, albeit temporarily, between the mother animal and her young, and the mother may often perform acts of self-sacrifice in order to protect her offspring. That is why, nowadays, people who show this form of selfishness - giving themselves up completely to their sub-animal lusts and desires - are regarded as being mentally disturbed.

Yet, nonetheless, in all countries in the world there is today a rapid increase of this type of selfishness. This is proof that humanity is fast descending below the level of what can still be called human, and it is a clear indication of the approaching and necessary end-phase of the present world cycle.

A higher form of selfishness is the kind that includes the family, although the self remains the central factor. In this group, for a shorter or longer period of time, blood-ties speak a clear language. This language is easy to explain because caring for members of one's family and doing things for them is obviously self-actualising and self-reinforcing, and therefore has the effect of considerably expanding the ego. It is a kind of selfishness in which all the highly prized virtues of fatherhood and motherhood are expressed.

Familial selfishness has been subjected to various forms of cultural conditioning and is regulated and supported by many man-made laws. The fact that it is a form of selfishness is evident from the joys and exertions, the eulogies and pride people show when their family members achieve success in life, even if this success is not always gained on a proper ethical basis.

When two families squabble because they both want the same thing, the fact that selfishness is at the root of family ties becomes even more clearly evident. The two families may be quite good, individually, but nevertheless a fierce conflict develops between them, and such conflict has the same emotional foundations, is fed by the same astral forces that once roused the primitive cave-dweller to action. The forms of the conflict may differ, but the essence and the results always remain the same combat, defeat, futility.

Selfishness can also expand to include a whole group, nation or race. We know the results of this kind of selfishness only too well, and war never solves anything. If an individual is infected by the selfishness-psychosis of a group or nation, it is certain that the other forms of selfishness will not be far away. On the contrary, they can be aroused by it, for the interests of the individual human being can very easily be threatened by those of the group. The forces of selfishness in the individual are then put under much greater pressure, and the result is inevitable an outbreak of conflict!

However, if we are to understand properly what Lao Tzu means in chapter 24, we should not forget that when selfishness is cultivated in the upward sense, this is always accompanied by a moral development. Countless are the examples of human beings who sacrifice their own personal interests for those of their family, group, country, nation, or even their race. World-literature is full of such heroic tales. Perhaps it would be prudent to take many of them with a pinch of salt, however, because the readiness to make sacrifices is so often interwoven with some form of selfishness. But nevertheless the fact remains that the higher forms of selfishness can go hand in hand with moral development, stimulated by religion and humanism and supported by legislation.

So now humanity is at last approaching the highest rung on the ladder of selfishness-culture, which is naturally camouflaged by various forms of morality. After having reached that highest rung, naturally whilst retaining all the lower rungs - because that is how ladders work - human beings will discover that there is no higher rung to which to climb. This will signal the end of the whole Aryan era, just as we have now come to the end of a phase in that Aryan era. This highest rung of the ladder has to do with the merging, the integration, the unification of the whole human race. First it is the individual, then the family, then the tribe or nation, then the race, and finally the whole of humanity. In every era, and in every phase within an era, this entire course of development is followed to the end. The final phase is when all distinctions between nations, communities of nations and races are removed.

Signs of this approaching world-revolution are already clearly evident today. People are clamouring more and more loudly for total integration. All over the world church members are campaigning for the removal of religious differences. Political power blocs have already been formed and we may clearly distinguish numerous different interest groups into which humanity is split. All groups know that, if they keep on maintaining their own selfish standpoints, the whole human race will be annihilated. Meanwhile, it is becoming clear that gone for good are the times when there could be a front line where the dead and wounded fell, with the staff quarters for the war directors safely behind it, and an even more heavily protected nest for the various governments and leading economic groups still further away, for today the real enemy is rising up from within everyone in accordance with cosmic radiation laws and the cyclic redemption; evil always turns in on itself. Furthermore, modern technological equipment has eliminated the possibility of one side being able to annihilate the other by surprise. Therefore, since the fundamental principle of selfishness is self-protection, both sides will be obliged to unite. Hence the mostly surreptitious organisation today worldwide of the 'New World Order'.

A large group of authorities is deeply convinced of the need for a new order of things to be established in our times. Also, there is actually a daily, unbroken contact between the top groups from the two camps, both political and religious, even though most of these exchanges are not publicised by the world media. Their question is not 'Shall we do it?', but 'How shall we do it? How shall we get the people - the masses - on our side and justify this enormous about-face of all the values we formerly taught them to regard as sacrosanct?'

But essentially, there is no choice, because the whole human race is standing with its back to the wall. At first people imagined that the effects of exploding a nuclear bomb could be confined to the enemy, but now they realise the full extent of the risk, and that is why the whole choir will soon have to sing 'All men will become brothers'. Many churches and religious movements, too, are seeking enforced unification.

Why is all this happening? Because the culture of selfishness, the struggle for existence, the fear of death and destruction, are driving humanity toward this final step. Forced unification or mutual destruction: humanity will have to choose between these two extremes!

Driven by need and fear, humanity is choosing the former alternative. When it is attained, the limit of human selfishness-culture will have been reached. But bear in mind that the other, lower aspects of selfishness will still go on existing, for in duality they are ineradicable.

So the great unity of nations and races will only be able to be maintained through the use of force, with the co-operation and guidance of all the authorities. The world-government of the end-phase will therefore be fascist, and all people will be forced to become 'brothers' the final clause in the law of self-maintenance.

Meanwhile, everyone is standing on tiptoe, stretching and straining as much as they can, so as to grab as much plunder as possible. They are trying to take huge strides, so as to reach their goals as quickly as possible. In the beginning the churches will, in their delusion, speak about nothing else than the light that will now be able to shine throughout the world, the light that is the Will of God. But the fierce battle will rage on. In their monster corporations the practitioners of selfishness will now exploit humanity wholesale. This is, of course, already happening today, despite the extensive worldly research offered to the general public by dedicated investigators such as David Icke.

Anyone who observes this race to the abyss with any measure of soul-quality, and hence objectively, will feel nauseous at the sight of such great deception. Compared to Tao, this behaviour is like left-over food or other decaying remnants, which are always abhorred.

So we can clearly see where human selfishness must ultimately lead. One may complain about it, particularly if one has to taste defeat in the struggle for existence or in a conflict of interests, but the fact remains that selfishness, I-centrality and hence FEAR are essential characteristics of the human being born into the universe of death. Wherever life awakens in duality, it is always surrounded by danger, and in this way selfishness, the survival instinct, automatically emerges. As creatures of the fallen kingdom, all human beings, without exception, are inherently selfish, for fear is an in-built instinct of survival in all dualistic existence.

Now, as you read this you are probably being stirred by a range of feelings and thoughts, because you do not find it pleasant to be called selfish. Perhaps you feel rather insulted. Unless you belong to that large group of people who are so deeply absorbed in their fallen state that they find the essential characteristics of human nature completely acceptable, you are bound to feel somewhat stung when you hear these sober facts about selfishness.

That, in itself, is remarkable, for a reaction like that is not characteristic of ordinary fallen human instincts. We are not talking about the resentment some people feel as the result of some past defeat in the business of selfishness, but the feeling of disappointment, the feeling of being unmasked, of being thrown off a pedestal. One of the causes of that pain is our knowledge of the Universal Doctrine, which clearly shows selfishness as the source of all unholiness and suffering. Another cause is the voice of the divine spark in us, the voice of our conscience, which constantly appeals to us on account of our behaviour, a behaviour which no amount of self-focus can ever avert.

The result is that a constant flow of thoughts surges through our minds: 'I really should do this differently. I should do this better. That must disappear, as soon as possible and this should replace it.' In this way, an inner conflict develops between our moral aspirations and our selfish behaviour. We will certainly have come across a whole range of moralists who, from mystical, humane and other angles, encourage us to continue with this inner struggle.

However, the struggle is hopeless, for undivine human nature cannot be changed in any fundamental way. It is impossible. Whenever, as is so often the case, we experience the conflict between morality and selfishness, we try to settle it in favour of morality. But we shall find that we always suffer defeat, and we remain the same as before.

We may well possess a relatively high morality. This is something that can be learned; driven by necessity and suffering, one can train oneself to act in a moral way, just as one can learn the habits of civilisation. One can learn to act as if one is radiating light; one can learn to be pleasant, and to appear spiritually illumined. This is not a question of hypocrisy, but we are capable of imagining how an enlightened, reborn soul-being, might behave.

In this way we learn how to seem personable and kind, even popular, and we learn to put on spiritual airs. But selfishness cannot be destroyed. It is an integral part of fallen human nature. It was Lao Tzu's aim in chapter 24 to make this clear to his pupils. So many wandering in the spiritual supermarket today are also trying to use their moral aspirations not only to keep themselves under control but also to walk the Path of Redemption. Impossible!

Mankind does not understand that its efforts to impose moral behaviour upon itself are serving no other purpose than the defence of a certain aspect of selfishness. This is humanity's line of reasoning: 'It would really be wonderful if I could be a good pupil; if I were to possess the new soul-state; if I were to comply with the requirements for candidature for harvest; if I were to attain this or that in the sense of the Gnosis', and so on. Mostly, mankind replaces the word 'I' with 'we', because it sounds better and more spiritual. But 'we' - or in other words 'I' - do not have any success, because everything I want and desire is nothing else than an effort to lodge the I safely in a particular aspect of selfishness.

This urge for self-preservation fills humanity's whole being. It makes man exert himself to the utmost. We stand on tiptoe and stretch upwards as far we can, in order to grasp what we desire. But we cannot keep it up. We cannot remain upright. We try to bring some speed into our lives and we endeavour, as far as possible and as far as our legs can stretch, to drive ourselves in the desired direction. But to no avail.

After numerous failures, we begin to take it easier on ourselves, for we soon realise that all the others have not succeeded with their moral rearmament either. Then the I starts to put on an act. It talks about light, and 'radiates' so-called light, and what then emerges is an astral state that has nothing to do with true Light at all. It is just another of our range of moral armaments, and we placate ourselves with it. We become very busy; we undertake all kinds of activities for seemingly genuine spiritual groups and organisations and their work, and we reaffirm our personality, our I, in everything we do.

We try to personify the true, divine Human Being, but without success. We talk a great deal about our dedication, about how we intend to serve or are serving Christ, but it does not have the desired results. Straining ourselves, we leap as high as we can, but we land, time and time again, on the hard ground of our fallen state of being. Whatever we do, the end is negative. This kind of psychology is exemplified perfectly and glaringly in the New Age movement, but it is nothing new, and has also been repeatedly demonstrated throughout history by humanity in so many fields of endeavour, and yet still mankind continues to play the game of moral rearmament. But the armaments turn out to consist of nothing but gilded cardboard and delusion. So we are obliged to draw the conclusion: Compared to Tao, this behaviour is like left-over food or other decaying remnants, which are always abhorred.

Anyone who attempts self-realisation in this way will end up following the course of primitive individualism, which terminates in a state of enforced unification.

But there is an entirely different state of Life. There is another Morality, which one neither may nor can call 'morality' any longer, for it has nothing to do with morality as mankind interprets that word; it is the Mysterious Virtue, and can be attained only in self-surrender. That means subordinating our entire life, all our personal interests, everything that typifies selfishness, in the most individual as well as in the broadest sense, in personal as well as in impersonal things, to the life in Tao, to the essence of Tao. It means subordinating our whole being to the Gnosis. It means being, like the young Jesus, immersed completely in the things of the Father. It means saying, if necessary, to our natural, selfish urges what Jesus said to his mother: "Woman, what have you to do with me? Must I not be about my Father's business?" That is the life in Tao. That is how one gains participation in the divine Kingdom not of this world. That is how to liberate the soul, and that is the only sane choice left to man once he has gained self-knowledge.

The Beast

 When we look out to the world today we see a thriving civilization, an admixed and tangled network of pulsating ideals, laws and codes maintaining its own survival and upholding its social infrastructure. Yet for many now, the worlds deterioration on many levels besides the more mundane social, economic and environmental regression is becoming very apparent.
 Should we look a little deeper, behind civilizations face and seemingly glossy surface reality, then perhaps those who are brave enough to take a peak will see something more sinister. In ignorance of the power and potentialities of its own creations, humanity over countless generations and through its misunderstandings and negligence of energy and thought, have become their own victims. Through misuse of its free will, humanity has spawned a gross energetic and semi-intelligent entity within its subtle planes. A great beast of monstrous proportions that has fused its unholy aeonic and miscreant energies and taken up a life quality of its own. Plundering the minds and hearts of its victims it has taken reign and consumes those very beings that have birthed it.
We can see that humanity has lost control and is firmly under the spell of its own creation, this writhing conglomerate of twisted energies that subsists off certain life forces generated by humanity.
Its servants and slaves are mostly blind automatons. Dispossessed of their soul qualities absorbed and grafted in which their little mundane and menial lives have become but the dying batteries to sustain its very existence. Its keepers, are those possessed with its unholy intelligence and adaptable cleverness, perpetuating and maintaining its existence as they work with needle and thread to keep the very rotten and tearing fabric of this unholy civilization from falling completely apart. That they have a mind is confusing, because they think it is there own and little do they understand that it is not they who are so much living their lives but something else that is living through them.
 Many people have come to the realization that their can be occult possession of individual human microcosms but to few take notice or heed that whole worlds and civilizations can become possessed as well.
As we look at society today we see a great mass and sufferable horde of beings under the foul sway of a vast network of schooling, political and religious systems, hiding behind a thin veneer of admixed cultural expression and illusionary motivations with all but one disguised determination, to perpetuate the beasts unholy existence. .
Should we review societies laws, schooling and belief structures they are but impressions and indoctrinations, imprinting the weak and the vulnerable. We hear ideals and ways of living such as consumerism, capitalism and materialism used and accepted by the mass of humanity daily. Yet with but a little rationalization and effort such concepts are found uniquely insane and disturbing that a world has developed them as a way to sustain itself, when, by the very concept in its creation, only reflects a terminal and collective madness.
Our adopted religions have become just as insane. Rising fundamentalists, extremist doctrines with thoroughly confused and ignorant new age applications, all adhering to an obtuse and twisted fabric of idealism’s that only compete and clash with one another with their followers attempted application and explanation of the one true life!
Yes, if people could only see with their hearts and take an honest look at what they are becoming then they would understand what they are being drawn into and inwardly withdraw, instead of pulling eachother into the beasts hungry mouth.
This beast shows no mercy for humanities children. Their vulnerable and impressionable minds are easy targets as it indoctrinates them and infuses their hearts. Their very parents and social peers induct them into their collective madness as the beast takes them and estranges them from any inner remembrance of true life so that they know no other purpose then its own.
There are a growing number who are awakening today are gazing into this world in horror and disgust at what it has become.
And though, we ourselves in writing this piece have bought your attention to this, it is perhaps wise to emphasize that focusing ones attention upon the darkness of this world only feeds its existence. For there are immanent dangers in defining and giving this unholy creation of humanity attributes and form. This only serves to further estrange it from ourselves, lest we give it greater power and substance than it has already taken.
Many in despair may ask how do we fight such a creature that plunders our very mind and hearts, who’s sight stares ravenously through own eyes and who’s roar is ushered from our very mouths.
Here we must say that to war with it personally or collectively is only to war upon our very selves, which is futile. This only estranges us further from that which is real and further disassociates aspects of the collective, enhancing humanities illusions of separateness and increasing its collective madness.
Yet there is an answer and for that we must turn within. In this time of earthly madness and despair there is a call of divine love that is awakening in the hearts of many, inspiring those who’s heart are open to seek new life as a whisper of true hope and salvation. Those who are hearing its divine cadences are turning away from this world and are becoming seekers of divine reality. These seekers of truth are beginning to see clearly the great mess and horror of what their little lives have truly become and realizing that their personal efforts to save this dying world is the very source of its misery and unholy perpetuation. They are starting to know there is a power that is greater then them and in this lies their only true means of truly saving themselves. It is the field of divine love, for only within its protective radiance are they truly safe from the evil and madness of this world. Only under its light are we given the illumination and sight to see through the darkness that has engulfed this world and thereby offer a true service to humanity.
For only its power can vanquish the miscreant forms and evil that humanity has created over successive generations.
Today there is a rallying call to all those true souls who hear the voice of Christ within their hearts to enter this field to prepare for the great influx of divine light and love that shall very soon enter this world and destroy this great evil of the ages.


An Interview with Lenonhonor

Beware of Feeding Drama

Those who truly understand what is transpiring today receive that which is entering this world in silence and solemnity. Verily, the breaking light of the dawn preceding the greater coming glory is being sensed and inwardly perceived by those with eyes to see and is being responded to accordingly.
Within and despite the deteriorating worldly conditions Truth is entering the hearts of those who by grace and true preparedness are emptying and allowing the dissolution of self.     They now await that which now has inevitably been set in motion.
Sadly for the unprepared and those who would deny that which is happening, the incoming light is  forcing a bewildered world  ego to scramble frantically as it struggles to comprehend and grasp that which it cannot. As collapsing structures multiply externally as well and internally and the world as we know it disintegrates before our eyes, those who are unable to receive the new life vibrations  will only perceive the hell of a world that is drastically “going wrong”.   And this is so for the many who are so entrenched in self and duality that they are unable to still and look up to see what is truly happening.
Understand it is the entrance of New Life into this darkened world  that is “going wrong” upon this earth;  and unfortunately this world is now to bear very hard and fast lessons for its ignorance and denial.
Today there are many dangers for servers within the fast dissolution of reality as we know it. Teachings that once served us in the relative and not so distant past are falling away into the shadows of redundancy and a purely mental approach is not sufficient to approach the oncoming waves. Such people will find those solid footholds and bedrocks of truth that they might have grasped on to are crumbling and those ideals that they have used as crutches to walk through this harsh and complicated world are coming apart.   In such times it is easy to fall into confusion and moments of panic, to be drawn deeper into self or into the growing dramas and traumas of the hour.
As personalities react and the tempo is raised, madness is growing in the eyes of those so identified with the illusion. As people try to seek meaning in the meaningless or try to give substance to that which in the fast dissolving- they are merely throwing fuel upon their own funeral pyres.   In a play for energy people are increasingly co-erced into drama, confrontation and selfish activity for the fallen and starving matrix of human life grows desperate as light enters its realm and it realises its own inevitable demise.
Many servers have been attacked, wounded, scorned and humiliated…such are the conditions here upon this planet.  In what has aptly been termed the “Madness of end times” by some,  attacks to stop, delay or end the work that aids liberation will continue until the very end. The evils of the world are seeping to the surface and Agent Smith hasn’t given up. There are so many unwitting and complicit pawns to act as pretenders….7 billion souls to choose from –  all whom believe that which they are not.
In desperation those people who cling to the old world reality are becoming ever more erratic and unpredictable. Unable to stay the rising confusion and despair growing from within many people are going insane within the growing tension.
This is also true for those who identify as humanities benefactors. People calling themselves light-workers, star seeds and divine warriors etc- who by attaching to their idealisms and pushing their personal agendas are finding that in the light of the new day they are now being left behind very confused and somewhat speechless. The speed at which events and realisation are happening seem now to be leaving behind their foolish utterances and limp ideologies as Truth comes forth in such a momentum that their little egos cannot control or meet it.
Such people who identify themselves as their works are only clinging to self!
For those who run within today’s  “spiritual circuit,” how many times does one hear the same worn out platitudes and revelations of people constantly telling others about their great and grand personal missions of healing, exposing the demons, gathering the light workers together etc!
Such utterances might have served a purpose in the not so distant past but now are becoming strange and curious echoes from a reality now fading from the hearts and minds of those coming to the truest of ends….
As soon as one hears a personality step in with its declarations and convictions it is then the simple truth may remind us of the impotency of self and its ways…
Open your eyes and look around!
Those who are able to receive ARE being healed, the demons ARE being exposed, the true viable sparks ARE being gathered upon the inner planes … this is independent of the little roles we might play in this unfolding drama and in the growing light of that which comes- all that is hidden shall soon clearly be revealed.
In regards to ones personality…everything in this world is subject to change. In true divine contact we remember that whatever station or assignment we might identify with or hold ourselves to is but ephemeral, temporal and impermanent especially in these swiftly changing realities of today… Whoever has had such contact knows the foolishness of such things!
For the living and healing waters of Love Divine to cleanse our wound and resolve our pain it is necessary for us to be still and empty…  in this time we are being asked to be very aware where we place our energy.  It is important to give ourselves completely to God and truly distinguish that which we are NOT in this fallen and harsh reality rather than try and cling to and reinforce who we think we are…which in the face of what now comes means extremely little!

So, You Want To Be Plastic?


Artificial Intelligence is alien and foreign pathology used to augment the primordial essence of the archetypal creative behaviour and alchemical force.(Sadiki Bakari- Hip Hop Androids, Artistic Clones And the Portal of Artificial Intelligence)

We live in a time of accelerated processes due to the great stimulation of new cosmic energies entering our planet. For those who are the intuitive and truly receptive of the race, this moment offers a portal of tremendous opportunity in terms of spiritual awareness and growth as cosmic energies and divine intelligences birth humanity into a paradigm of meta knowledge and potential divine reality.

However if these vibratory encodings and living energies are not consciously assimilated by the race, then ultimately a reversal in terms of consciousness and spiritual potentiality takes place. Today we can clearly observe that most of humanity is plummeting further into involutionary consciousness and reality.

Unfortunately, in a time of true spiritual opportunity and crises we are truly witnessing a planned subversion of the human life field into a lower density and psychic distortion. An involution of reality that if embraced cannot be supported or even attended by certain divine intelligences who presently assist humanity, for a long time to come.

Have you heard of late more and more talk about the subject of transhumanism?

If you haven’t as of yet, you will soon. Because today we see the agenda and its implementation arising before us with breathtaking speed!

It seems that biologist Julian Huxely possibly first coined the term “Transhumanism,” in the late 1950’s- defining it as “man remaining man, but transcending himself, by realizing new possibilities of and for his human nature.”                

Like Hitler and the Nazi’s   before him, it seems that “Tranhumanism” today has become a way to attempt to create so-called “Superhumans” or “Gods”  through scientifically enforced programming, genetic manipulation and the augmentation of humanities organic and spiritual processes and realities!

It seems that certain members of the human race seek to hijack humanity into their theories and relativities of what they deem evolution!

Currently our schools and learning institutions are increasing being subverted to embrace such programming and increasingly through the media we are now continually being bombarded with subliminal messages and themes that seek to steer the collective consciousness towards this end. The very use of such subversive tactics upon the collective clearly shows that those who are steering humanity in this direction clearly have an agenda.

The rise and incessant push of GM foods, virtual reality, cybernetics and technological reliance is today becoming obvious. Cleary this will come at the expense of our own innate and natural potentialities.                                        

One here is not talking about fearing science, change or “progress” but just clearly indicating that humanity as a whole should look much deeper into understanding its innate and spiritual realities before embracing such “solutions”.

Inorganic science, technocracy, Artificial Intelligence are in truth but pseudo science. They are spawned and embraced by the collective’s ignorance and rejection of their true spiritual identity. This is an innate and collective soul death. As humanity falls further from the true world soul to embrace inorganic imitation, they will only open themselves further to collective psychosis and madness. This is today being clearly exhibited by those so-called elite who have fallen deep into involutionary practices and theories.

With simple observation one can see that the merging of spiritual and organic realities with synthetic materials, coarse electromagnetic frequencies and inorganic substances is but an obvious and severe contortion of the human psyche as well as big a step down in vibratory reality.

Humanity you have already fallen so far and forgotten so much!

Our inner spiritual and organic technologies are far superior than what current science would have us understand. Our subtly constructed and inherent processes that enable us to transcend our current material and third dimension experiences, giving us the possibility and eventual probability of true spiritual ascension, are being stolen.

Your unmolested human genetics and true archetypal blueprint offer the possibility of true divine incarnation!

Do you think such synthetic constructs of mind, imprinted emotional responses, virtual realities and cybernetics can efficiently replicate such opportunity and possibility?

Of course not!

This all lies beyond the scope and sight of pseudo science and the materialist or “technohead.” They are unable to perceive or fathom the depths of humanities spiritual realities from which they have deeply fallen.

While many people may look out into today’s rising technocratic “reality” with wonder and even awe, they are in fact witnessing humanities true spiritual death!

Such a “reality” can only even seem appealing to an inhumanity!

So, you want to be plastic?

The reliance on synthetic intelligence, technology and virtual reality (ILLusion) disconnects the archetype from the genome of its DNA and primordial spirit. This disconnection creates low vibration energy not only in the archetypal hueman, but the manifestation of the archetypal hueman. The archetypal hueman’s original imprints become submerged and repressed due to the disagreeable noise and function of Artificial Intelligence, inorganic organisms and its parasitic programming. This is depleting humanity of its collaborative soul, morality and divinity.(Sadiki Bakari- Hip Hop Androids, Artistic Clones And the Portal of Artificial Intelligence)





In this global society of technocratic convenience, entertainment and selfish distraction, how few people take time to still and truly gain the needed moments and space to open, bringing about the deeper inner clarity and transcendental awareness to assist a world that is seemingly spinning out of control? How few people even care or see the necessity of doing so?
Within today’s great collective confusion and troubles, there is so much needed to be said about sacredness!
Sacredness reveals itself in the purity of relationships that are formed with God, our selves and the planet. When we know true sacredness, we open our hearts and minds to the guidance and subtle caress of divine Life and we are drawn into Loves presence.  Sacredness is the vehicle through which we come to understand our true nature and we come to realize that we are constantly showered with Gods unspeakable blessings. Here in awe of Life we are constantly falling to our knees and can behold Truth unmanifest through our open window of reverence and love. Here, within the sacredness of a moment, Love manifests to touch our hearts as do the kisses of the morning sun’s rays for those who awaken early to receive them.                                         
It is through the portal of sacredness we experience a constant renewal in Life...
If you would but take that little time you have to contemplate this you would understand that this is what lies in sacredness!
Sacredness is not an ideal or a concept. It is the inspired reverence you bring to the moment you are living. People should understand that true divine blessing can be experienced everywhere and in any situation but that we must offer ourselves up in sincerity and love. Sacredness is lived in the true recognition of divinity that pervades all form, through whatever place, being or moment we are interacting with. When the Life is revered and we as a people come to honor each other in respect to our divine natures then this creates the opportunity for Spirit to teach and bless us. We then come to know Life consciously and know the purpose of our being!
Our modern culture for the most part has lost its sense of sacredness and does not recognize its importance. Without it, we lose our fundamental connection to essential reality and sensitiveness to those sublime understandings and elements that are given to us by Life to truly guide and nourish us. Without sacredness and respect for the divine Life we lose our spiritual guidance and begin to venerate matter and form. We become lost in dualistic reality and fall deeper into the illusions of self.
Today, this world has plunged deep into a material abyss of self gratification and we are seeing the direct results. In the degradation of true culture and our relationships to each other and the earth, sciences and arts, potential tools used to elevate and enliven the race have become so polluted and degenerate their effect on society only weakens and defiles it.  Driven by the chaos of their personality natures people seal themselves from the true understanding of Life. This is true blindness!
When we lose sacredness we lose our divine compass and in our confusion we fall deeper from what sustains us. Our inspired recognition of the sacredness of Life opens the portal to higher dimensional reality. The opposite is also very true, in denial and negligence of Spirit we find ourselves lost in psychosis, trapped in misery and fear. As our society falls deeper into materialism and thus into madness we see the fires of hell arise around us in confusion, depression, vampirism and war.
We see this sickness arising in todays incessant push of those technocratic and inorganic pathways towards spiritless realities and worlds. Today our culture, has become a celebration of debasement and much of todays society is resembling the demonic stories of old!
Most people interact with each other and the planet in a semiconscious daze, seeking only the attainment of their own desires and needs. Humanity is today cloaked with heavy insatiable elementals of their personality natures and it is here that they open themselves to be controlled by darker entities and beings. Collectively  they are being driven of a metaphysical cliff to plunge into an even deeper abyss of hatred, conflict, and brutality...
Yet if we could only just open and trust our sense of sacredness it could elevate us far beyond the dangers and miseries of our prevailing conditions.
Let one here ask?
How few people today consciously engage in life with the love and clarity that is aroused by spirit?
How few people are even able to recognize the importance and necessity to see the sacredness in Life?
When you walk in nature do you take time to still and feel her presence?
When you look into the eyes of the opposite sex do you honor their soul with your integrity and truth?
Is your walk through life attempting to live the deepest truths that reveal themselves to your heart and how do you live behind closed doors?
When you know the sacredness in all things your answer will be without fear, confusion or hesitation.
Today as we watch in awe at that which is rising before us, let us see clearly the tragedy of our modern culture and look deep inside ourselves. Then we ourselves have the opportunity to see the sacredness of this moment in our planetary collective history. To turn this moment into the greatest of blessings and to meet divine Truth face to face. Then we can honor God, ourselves and our brothers and sisters by holding our alignment, integrity and truth before them. This is true divine work.
We must not only remember but live in sacredness...this moment is sacred, the earth is sacred, humanity is sacred. When you know such a Reality and Love then your very lives become a divine blessing upon the world. Verily the whole cosmos will sing with you!

The New Kingdom

By Truth Fellowship

JUST BEHIND THE FACE OF THIS WORLD and its humanity awaits a new reality, a reality of untainted beauty and light. It has been given many names but is known equally by all who can feel and recognise its purity. It is the Promised Land descending from the heavenly realms, the long-promised return to Earth of the Kingdom of souls.

This new sphere of life is presently still subtle in the world but will, over time, become more and more tangibly apparent to all who have prepared themselves to receive its light by co-vibrating with its purpose. It will become more and more visible to those who, through their selfless consecration and divine yearning, have cultivated the inner vision with which to perceive it.

The new reality is not of this world and so is completely unaffected and untouched by the sufferings, the pains and the struggles of earthly life. It contains no duality in which to swing back and forth in endless polarity. It is free from the extremes of light and dark, right and wrong, good and bad, and all the other pairs of opposites that perpetually toss mankind's consciousness from left to right, and which have for ages bound the mass of humanity to the pendulum of restlessness and suffering.

This approaching sphere of light possesses ethers that are clean and bright, new and vital. It is catalyzing on Earth a higher level of consciousness that vibrates closer to the Universal Harmony. Like a divine Sun its sacred nature is inherent within each and every outgoing energy-stream that radiates forth from its heart, blessing, purifying, unifying and vitalizing all beings, liberating mankind from the trammels and struggles of mundane existence in merciful benediction. As this divine Light returns to Earth, extending its grace to all as was long ago promised, it gently invites humanity to enter into its healing, protective sphere, embracing souls in its warmth and love before again leaving this world with them for Freedom's shores. This reality is today shimmering forth just beyond the clouds of Earthly perceptions and preoccupations, preparing to lift those who are able to receive it upwards into ever greater experience and realisation of the Truth, which it so perfectly embodies.

As time passes and man and his planet approach the end of an age, this approaching Light is progressively penetrating the densities of our world, irresistibly permeating even the grossest, darkest corners of the Earth. Moving from the inner planes outwards, the new Kingdom of Light dispels the shadows of this world. The radiance of the leading periphery of this divine sphere is presently only to be experienced within the upper regions of human awareness, some of the higher levels of consciousness that inform and sustain this world and its humanity. Those whose focus is primarily upon the material plane and their own needs and problems do not possess the inner faculty required to perceive the growing presence of the new reality in its earlier stages of manifestation. It therefore remains invisible to the unaware, yet it is affecting all life on Earth.

For millennia visionaries and spiritually aware people have anticipated the arrival of this new and higher order of reality, but it is only today in these times that it is slowly but surely making its presence felt. We are emerging from a great planetary cycle and entering a new era, and the complete renewal of this world and human race is imminent. A new World is being born on both inner and outer levels of the Earth, the planetary phoenix is rising from the ashes of the old world. The advent of the new World is now close enough for sensitive hearts to feel something of its reality and proximity, to hear its pure tones, to sense its cadences. It is a whispering promise of Home, and from beyond the general human perception, behind the appearances and illusions of this world, it calls to all mankind.

Presently small glimpses of the approaching new reality may be had, as if through clear, bright windows or portals that occasionally appear. Those who are sensitive and intuitive are beginning to perceive with greater clarity and awe through the thinnest parts of the veil that surrounds the Earth plane, directly into the sphere of eternal Life itself. They are able to feel its holy breath, hear its call, respond to it and so prepare themselves for the greater Revelation to come. Such glimpses are generally brief and fleeting; most last only a few seconds or minutes of sudden epiphany; some may continue for hours, and in certain very special cases even days or weeks. Yet one single moment of that Grace from above is able to bestow such a profound blessing that all the concerns and tensions of this life are instantaneously dissolved, and so a glimpse is all that is required for the elated recipient to know and taste something of the coming glory and divine accomplishment. At such times one's faith and consecration may be strengthened a hundred-fold as one's life is positively transformed.

As the end of the cycle approaches, these glimpses will become more regular, tangible and real for a growing number of people, interspersed with stages of purification and integration. Gradually their duration will be extended, until finally the new World will become more real and true than the old, familiar world, which will be seen to be passing away. Perceptions will therefore be reversed, and it will be the old world that shall then be seen only in glimpses, as those who are able will cross over to the other side of the veil and emerge into the new and brighter reality. Ultimately, and should the natural process of cleansing and regeneration be allowed to complete its course, the renewed human race will find itself breathing and functioning from within the sphere of divine Light itself. It is at this time that those who have been blessed amongst mankind will come to fully know what it means to be in the world but not of the world, and will proceed to offer a hand up to all struggling life on Earth.

The effects that the dawning new reality will have on the manifest aspects of life on Earth will be dramatic, profoundly affecting all the kingdoms of this world, from the mineral right up to the human levels of consciousness. As the new and higher vibrational sphere penetrates the subtle planes of the planet it will purge the Earth of all unintegrated energies, thought forms and emotions. This process is already underway and is being experienced by many people as a kind of inner Armageddon, a growing tension between the incoming light of the new Kingdom of souls and the outer material world.

This is also the time that planet Earth herself has long awaited her birth into a higher expression of life, facilitated by the cosmic energies and forces released by way of the precise mathematical motion of the cosmic clockwork, the rotational procession of the sun, the planetary spheres and the zodiac. The Earth is soon to release all of the cumulative pressure that mankind has placed upon her over millennia of abuse and misuse of her resources for selfish ends. Soon all of her kingdoms will be restored to their former virginal state, the Edenic state of pristine wholeness and vibrant, health-promoting life. Once balance is restored to the Earth and so is brought back into harmony with cosmic law, it will again provide a stable and supportive matrix from which the new humanity can reach upwards towards greater light, access the higher spheres of life and so more readily attain the Goal of life. On the old Earth the door leading to the Divine has for ages been very obscured and closed to all but the most advanced souls due to mankind's widespread pollution of body, mind and soul, and the highly contagious atmosphere of selfishness, greed and fear that this has engendered worldwide. The new Earth, free of all grossness and impurity, will once more, like before, come into alignment with the divine Plan, functioning again as a graceful sphere for divine realisation; a world in which all inhabiting beings may pursue with greater ease the sole purpose of life via the process of holy Transfiguration.

"Behold the great key-keeper of the age has turned the key; the mighty gates fly wide and all who will may greet the King. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see the King. Take heed! Be strong in mind; be pure in heart; be vigilant in helpfulness; the kingdom is at hand." - Jesus, the Piscean Christ.



Our "weights" are the emotional gunge in our subconscious, our programmed sense of self and reality, and the endless mind-numbing claptrap that assaults our eyes and ears via the media, the education (indoctrination) system, politicians, economists, and all the other mind doctors selling us their view of what or reality should be. In short, the egg shell. Without those influences, that weight on our mind and emotions, the bird would have flown a long time ago.
Iam me Iam free-
David Icke