Welcome To...

 Playing Hopscotch in a minefield of human madness...


The Circus of Self

(The New Age Movement)

It should be obvious that most new age guru's, yoga teachers, reiki masters, masters and healing practitioners fall very short of the Living Truth. In fact, with the amount of self-professed enlightened beings on earth shedding their radiance, you would think that our world would be a veritable divine light bulb!
Unfortunately this is not the case and in the false light spectrum, most of these people range from absolutely deluded to downright scary!
A few have sincere intentions but due to lack of true knowledge, being presumptuous about "their enlightenment" or finding God through LSD blow outs, they start preaching to the world their version of truth and often do much damage rather than assist a startled humanity to awaken in these turbulent and confusing times.  
But don't worry =its all "GOOD"
The new age takes in everyone and everything...and don't worry if you can't find your new age box.

Give yourself a new name and beat a drum... become a shaman.
Take lots of magic mushrooms and deep fry your mind... become a shaman.
Do a weekend intensive of Aya in Peru... become a shaman
Fuck it, if you are on social security and smoke weed you’re a shaman!

Let’s get real...
Most confuse the astral realms with spirit, some confuse wake up calls with enlightenment, others confuse malevolent entities with benevolent ones. All in all, there is big confusion!
Putting your head between your legs and looking at your backside does not make you spiritual. (That’s the wrong third eye!)). Just because you speak to spirits doesn’t make you special and half these reiki masters are so psychically polluted, I wouldn't have them put their hands in my Aura!
We have vampires teaching tantra, clones teaching about freedom, intellectuals trying to deliberate on gnosis and "truthers" who sit all day on their computers spitting delusional perceptions...

Sorry if this is not spiritually correct, I forgot to tick my enlightenment boxes.

By the way, just letting you know...There is no such thing as self-enlightenment, raw food can give you parasites and nude yoga smells after you eat beans.
If you don't like what I'm saying, start an internet petition going to keep your selves feeling righteous.
I'll sure pay a lot of attention to it!

Please wake up...



It can be fun and quite amusing watching children trying to fit blocks into puzzle holes that don't fit. Unfortunately, as you are adults, it's not! Watching you for years trying to match jigsaw pieces from different puzzle sets, we wonder how long you are going to sit there before you realize that London Bridge doesn't belong in Somalia.
The world has become quite strange hasn't it?
Grasping rationalists are seemingly more irrational trying to keep their rationality because holes are opening up everywhere in this matrix of yours and not just because of fracking.
Paranoia, denial and fear are growing in suburbia because strange new words and concepts are popping up everywhere, like Freedom, Truth and Spirit and we are not quite sure how you are going to handle them.
You hard core deniers focus loudly on the "absurdities" of Reptilian controllers, grey aliens and fake moon landings (this is because they are improvable to a fluoridated, earthbound consciousness), yet you ignore your mainstream media telling you that you can have sex with robots, that pedophilia is normal and George Bush is a genius.
I suggest you explain these stranger things first and then tackle the more complex stuff later...

Dumb intellectuals keeping the calm using pseudo-science to back up antiquated theories and social prejudice to justify their existence...

They say - Don't worry, nothing to see here...
911 was an inside job...NO!
Vaccination could be a genocidal UN plan...NO!
Global warming is a political financial scam...NO!
Michelle Obama is a man...Ummm maybe?
At least we see you can't completely deny everything.

And for those of you who are getting a bigger picture...
Frying yourself out behind your computers in conspiracy paranoia, screaming that the world is going to end, isn’t going to help! Yes, we have all gone through the stage of freak-out when you realize your little world of self assurity has been popped.

Take a few good breaths and bring a little discernment to the table.
Then it is time to move on...

Bigger things are happening!


"DEATH"... The word scares the crap out of most of you and today it is popping up everywhere!
Wars and rumours of wars, toxic foodstuffs, so called "climate change", pollution, terrorism,  
- in short, electing Hilary Clinton...
We know that "DEATH" terrifies you deep down inside, because your civilization, "way of life" and new age spiritual fervour is all spawned in fear of this unpredictable and scary monster.
The trouble with humans is that everything inspired by fear as a kind of solution, only seems to have the opposite effect to that which you seek to achieve... Funny That!
So whatever you try and do to slay this monster called DEATH seems only to  horribly backfire...thus you have a medical profession killing you with poisonous pharmaceuticals, a military establishment trying to save you with its New World Order, and an army of scientists trying to create artificial intelligence that will wind up making you obsolete.
You are so fearful of DEATH you are killing yourselves trying to overcome it!
Wow...You humans do make things hard on yourselves!
Let us here release a little cosmic pressure from your fast inflating, fear driven egos....
You see...DEATH is actually about consciousness and renewal.
Change has in it death, growth has in it death, truth kills the lie. So you see... death actually has within it the seeds of LIFE. You could know this if you weren’t so scared at looking at it!
(At this point we'll let you pause to try and figure all this out)...
If individually or collectively you could come to true soul realization, DEATH in any form doesn't really hold that much trauma. In fact for many beings it is a joyful release!
You just need let go of your illusions of what you think "life" is about and Die to all those definitions that you chain yourselves by.
Yes- the world is getting crazy and everything is changing. Understand that what is taking place is a planetary birth...and looking over the sewer of what you have made of this beautiful planet- trust us, you guys really need one!
We write this piece because if you cling too heavily to form life in these times you will take the collective ego death too personally. Then everyone goes crazy and starts killing each other...the art is to turn upwards and let the self die without actually physically wiping yourselves off as a species.
Understand, it’s mostly an INTERNAL process and not an outward one. The old us dies and we awaken to a new definition of being. If you would only listen to spirit it can all be conducted quite safely. There is no need to actually physically kill yourselves in the process!
We are trying to help...So please...rather than kill the messenger take time and digest this message. Let truth be your sweet poison pill!
And try not to go all righteous on the planet.  Because you are only going to war with yourself!
It’s so simple.
Just shut up and die!


It is funny that the more you boast about your discoveries, the creepier you sound.
Boasting about glow in the dark bunny rabbits, pink GM broccoli and uploading your consciousness into computers sounds more like a Frankenstein’s laboratory experiment and raises the big cosmic eyebrow.
Please pause, take a big step back and gain some perspective....
Why would you expand to physical colonization of space when you can't even harmonize with your own planet? I guess you need somewhere else to dump all those scientifically created toxic byproducts of yours... Earth has become overloaded!
Many of us smile at your complex theories on cosmic rays, dark energy and matter...pat yourselves on the back. But what’s the point if you don't understand what the universe is telling you (and here is a little hint)... you will need to de-fluoridate your pineal glands for this!
You marvel at your intellectual prowess... we just want to point out, if you are still in intellect you haven't evolved very far at all!
Black hole science, opening wormholes and dimensional portals are nothing new. Some of us have been using them for eons. In fact I just came back from Antares this morning. Just learn to shift your consciousness. If you need help with this Just ask your children because It ain't rocket science!
So no need to blow yourselves up with the Hadron Collider!
I suppose the really Big Question for all of us is...
Is how are you going to save the world from yourselves?
But please understand...We know how hard you try...
The sophistry and complexity of your theories and formulae in trying to uncover the mystery of the universe seemingly only confuses yourselves and each other as to what is real. So you must spend all that time writing your important findings in those approved scientific journals to win over global consensus...Dolly magazine needs your important opinion...
It must all be so very exhausting.
But that’s alright...You have that covered...
Take a minute or two and have some fun with your custom designer vagina sexbot. Who needs an actual woman? And besides, you can lock her back up in the cupboard afterward...
We understand...because You have a lot of important work to do!
Like justifying how GM food can save the world and keeping up the fear of global warming.
Because you know quite well if you don't, you won't get that big fat pay check...
With all this looking outwards we thought you'd actually realize by now that the answer to all your problems is to look within...
But we see you are all too intelligent and busy for that!
We just hoped you would take a little more time to understand what the Hubble telescope was really showing you.
Just how insignificant you really are...


Thank you daddy for buying me my new plastic toy...but aren't you killing the earth?

Yes...there comes a time when we must look within and seriously reconsider what human love really is!
We keep hearing you say words like "love, goodness and truth" but by your example we ask if you know what the f@%k you are talking about!
When human love means going to work to provide for your families by keeping yourselves stressed, destroying the earth and negating spiritual existence ....all to show how loving you are?
Guys you have big problems!
Please leave that kind of loving at the door...you need to wipe your feet before you enter the new earth!
When human goodness is going Nazi on global warming policies, enforcing vaccination programs and showing no tolerance for alternative perspectives...you can shove that goodness where it don't fit! Because it doesn't look so good from here and we ask you...
Where is "the love" in that?
And as for Truth...we suggest you only need look in the cosmic mirror and see that you don't know your head from your backside!
Hmmmm...Human love is a very strange thing.
Its seems dependent on moods, ideals and what one has eaten for breakfast.
It all seems kind of selfish...you don't even ask why it never seems to get you anywhere.
There is an army of people on this planet who consider themselves very loving and strain to improve the endless problems of the world...yet each day, society only seems to become more confused and depressing...so in "their loving" they strain even harder...
Something’s gonna snap! Better take some more Prozac...
Just saying...perhaps that all you have is just an IDEAL of love...
Hold on, that’s it...now we see your problem! You just need to force everyone to accept that Ideal...then you can cram everyone into your little box of self-righteous bliss and the world will be fine!
Hold on...isn't the New World Order trying to do the same thing?
Funny That!
Perhaps what you really need is a little deeper inquiry as to what LOVE really is?
We can say Seek Love in the uncomplicated state of being...but perhaps that has become too complicated for your far reaching and sophisticated egos.
Be at peace...It’s OK if you can't grasp it! You are not meant to...
Just honestly see this deficiency in yourselves because its denial causes so many problems... This is because the more you try to prove how loving YOU ARE, only seems to show us how many terrible things you will do to prove it!
We hear all you spiritual people say "love" will save the world...we only see your love destroying it!
Poo to that!
Your Assertions of self from an assumption of "love" only come from fear.
Perhaps the LOVE we are talking about is not a human attribute at all. Perhaps it is a state and presence which you are yet to truly find?
Could it be a divine one?
Just saying...

Going Tropo!   

Isn't it funny that when you start to exercise a little independency from mainstream thought, the collective consensus is that you are going insane or becoming a weirdo. Yes, it is true while unplugging from mainstream consciousness, destabilization can occur. This is because withdrawal of the soul from the psyche of prevailing Lucerferian reality can get really confusing.
Especially when his army of "Christians” keep spitting Jesus and bible quotes at you.
Unfortunately If Jesus did come back to the earth today and saw the results of his hard labor all you Christians would only confuse the shit out of him... that’s if you didn't stone him first for not being Christian!

Don't despair Jesus some of us did get it!

We love the comments from you all-

"Family and friends" writing us off as crazy or joining some strange new cult.
Interesting reflection...Especially when you all are run by a system of cults. The cults of religion, the new age, of economics and the cult of law.
It is time to Wake Up and realize your civilization is a mere belief system and belief systems are not real otherwise you would not have to work so hard to keep it all going -especially now, when "civilization" isn't looking so civil!
Then there are all those "do gooder" people who want to help you.
So here is a little advice for all you righteous and "church going people"...
A Satanist in essence can be defined as living a self-centered reality. You can go to church, hold a job, do yoga, and righteously attempt to save the world. Satan loves all of it! Especially while you are taking selfies...
You do not need to dress up in goat leggings and participate in full moon orgies.
But don't worry keep "doing as thou wilt" and learn the hard way!
You know that when you call us strange, look around and see that mainstream consciousness is definitely no benchmark for sanity...and as you run to "save the world" realize that lemmings don't necessarily make the finest racers...
I know this is a little topsy-turvy for you all...struggling to find "sense" in the senselessness of it all. The cosmic deep fryer has just been turned on and you are the popcorn.
Understand we are trying to help...It’s all about letting go of the mind, NOT losing it!
What we are just trying to say to your involute lucerferian brains...
If you had any real "common sense" at all, you might just get on your knees and pray with us...
Dear God...
Please save us from this planetary insane asylum!

Terror Checklist

We all know that terrorists are bad. The only trouble is, is that all government definitions of "a terrorist" tend to be a little vague. So we rummaged through government legislative websites, CIA, military and police in-house brochures to do an official public checklist with point system.  We thought this our civic duty to help the public identify potential peace threats.


1. A person who has a beard -(7 points)
2. A Middle Eastern person -(10 points)
3. A parent who homeschools their children -(5 points)
4. Anyone who thinks global warming is a fraud -(7 points)
5. All remaining living clones of Osama bin laden -(5 points)
6. A black person (all are potential terrorists) -(7 points)
7. Koalas -(10 points)
7. Anyone who believes in pacifism and nonviolent philosophies -(7 points)
(English/ David Cameron version)
8. War Veterans -(8 points)
9. Any person of independent thought -(9 points)
10. The general public -(10 points)

If you scored over 2 points then you are a terrorist and we suggest you report yourselves immediately to local authorities....



As billions of your hard earned tax dollars are being poured into keeping us safe and secure it is important that everyone do their job and spy on their neighbors...

Be on the lookout for...

 People who are having too much fun, speak truth or sit on the toilet for too long...


P.S. We would like to thank government, military and local police forces for their assistance by holding and staging false flag events, ruthless law enforcement and waging world war- reminding us what terrorists look like.


Time for a spanking

Hell is the great cosmic inversion within you all. We see that within the deep dungeon of Lucifer’s tortured mind, the oddities of humanities strange bondage and discipline rituals...
It seems you like your fear and pain too much!
So you like being dominated eh?
So be it!
Now Cosmic Mother is about to pull out her cat and nine tails... you've all been very, very naughty…

Let’s pull back those covers…

Your lives have become a cesspool. Your twisted and warped views of reality are selfish and dull. These sadomasochistic tendencies that you call "living" comes from the lack of True Life flowing through your Heart.
Pay attention!
Freedom is not the license to do what you want...especially at the expense of others.
You think you will get away with raping mother earth?

Sex is not just under the bed sheets. It is the basic energetic interplay between you all- it has many levels...
It is funny that the more society estranges itself and denies looking into one of the most fundamental and beautiful communications and exchanges, the more you deny your pure sexual impulses, the more secretly you become distortedly fascinated with it...
SEX becomes "sex" - menial, base and outward.
Your disassociation reflects in everything you do. You have separated you from Life and locked the door to the bedroom ...thus you disconnected from your earth.
There is so much confusion and you think you can hide it. Loosen up, explore. You are all so repressed...
Much of this has to do with religious guilt programming.
Like the Roman Catholic church should be giving advice!
(Though the argument could be made that they are the "hidden experts" - we know they have been screwing you all for ages...just ask all those altar boys!)

Look at all you pathetic men...
You are locked in your little room of mind, jerking over the desecrated image of your Cosmic Mother...
It’s time to relax that outworn self-identity muscle...trust me it’s not that big.
Now get in your corner and SIT IN YOUR SHAME.
And all you woman...
Are you that sad and desperate you "fall" for the dull male ego all the time?
That’s why you have to get drunk before sleeping with him....
You need to arouse the true spiritual male and then you will remember...the SEX is way better!
You are all afraid of intimacy and mostly with yourselves...Yet you need not seek outside yourselves! When you rise to Love you will come together. There is a divine androgen in you all...
Now it’s time to release the great cosmic tranny...

Time to be honest...
You don't even know what real SEX is!
SEX is a transmission of frequency, an exchange of conscious Life. Ask yourselves...What are you transmitting to each other, the earth, and the cosmos?
You need a little self-honesty; you must go back to the basics ...start with breathing!
The desecration of your sacred principles and innocence have lead you to your present tortured existence. Now it’s time to let it all go…
The real tantra is the dance with true LIFE. Know only the pure in heart can learn the steps.
You guys are too busy trying to impress each other doing the spastic disco...
If you would only look up and feel LIFE in its purity and uninhibited joy. Strip off and stand naked in the sun.
There is no shame in being a little vulnerable and foolish. Sex is more fun when you leave your inner light on!

Get out of the porn...Look to the stars...
And you will know there is a great cosmic foreplay going on!

The Stars are Falling

Turning on my TV I ask myself...
Since when has watching a skanky grandma dancing around in a g-string become entertaining?
Madonna please shut those legs...everyone’s seen it!
Though I must admit I'd be dancing like a Mad Cow as well if I knew my illuminati expiry date was just about up...
Just don't take a bath otherwise you might end up "falling asleep" like Whitney Houston.
Just saying...
Have you noticed that Hollywood films seem to have lost all their artistic flair...?
And don't all our beautiful daughters just look soooo cute on those stripper poles doing the MK-ultra dance just like Miley Cyrus?
Hmmmm, it’s just my opinion, but its seems that something may be a little wrong here?
The trouble is that the entertainment isn't so entertaining anymore.
And all these movies seem more like cultural conditioning rather than genuine artistic inspiration!
 "Reality TV" seems sort of unreal, transhumanist programming and social propaganda seems to be pushing some sort of "Arch agenda"...
And don't you think that all these actors and entertainers seem a little more like trained seals? The board rooms keep throwing them the fish and the public keeps clapping to them...but don't doubt their validity or they'll create another boring awards ceremony!
I have an idea... Let’s call the next one “The Goebbels award!" Awesome!
It seems a sad fact that the only entertainment Hollywood have been providing us in the last decades is the "American horror story" of imploding breast implants and exploding botox filled faces.
Anyways...Lets have a little fun!
Let’s get in some real Hollywood Gossip!
Like how all these producers are in bed with the military industrial complex.
Why are there all these very strange deaths in Hollywood?
And what’s with all the occult subliminals in most of the music videos?
Get ready...The upside down five pointed star seems to be the new season’s fashion!
But I must ask you all because I need a little clarity.
I'm trying to understand the term "A lister?"
...does it stand for arsehole?
Because, as I flick through all these glossy magazines I wonder...
Perhaps the question the public is now asking themselves is how did all Hollywood’s "Beautiful People" get so damn ugly...